Template:Franske Syllabus Policies

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After the first class meeting formal attendance will not be taken; however, students are expected to arrive to class on time and participate in class. Students are expected to attend all sessions of each class in which they are enrolled. If attendance is a problem participation assignments may be given and included in the course grade. If an illness or emergency results in an absence, students should contact their instructors as soon as possible to determine if missed work can be completed. A student may receive a course grade of FN or NC after two consecutive weeks of unexcused absence at any time during the semester. Class attendance is defined as being physically present in the classroom. Online attendance is defined as having submitted an assignment, taken a quiz, or posted/made a course content-related comment on the discussion/chat board for the course in which the student is registered.

Use and Access to Technology

You will need daily access to a high-speed internet connection (DSL, cable modem, 4G, fiber, or equivalent) and a modern computer to successfully complete this course.