Franske CNT-2612 SP12 Participation

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This page has a list of participation assignments for Spring 2012. Participation assignments are due at the end of class on the date indicated.

Session 2: January 11


Students work in teams of three to develop a presentation covering the material for the day, students re-arrange into new teams of three and present to each other, combining best parts of each into a single file turned in to the instructor.


  • Email your presentation file to the instructor

Session 6: January 30


For today's assignment you will work in two groups. Your first group will be assigned one of the following topics from the first part of chapter 3:

  • Evolution of STP and STP Basics (p. 119-125)
  • RSTP Introduction (p. 125-132)
  • RSTP Technologies & Configuration (p.132-141)

You will work in this first group for about 20 minutes to discuss and understand the key aspects of your section of the chapter. Each member of the group should be an expert in this area of the chapter and prepared to contribute to the second group.

After time is up you will recombine into new groups which each contain an expert on one part of the chapter. You should spend about 5 minutes each (15 minutes total) describing the key aspects of your section with your new group. Once everyone has a good understanding of the chapter you will work together to develop a study guide on the wiki site. You should spend about 20 minutes creating this study guide resource (one page per group) and putting a link to it on the appropriate section of the course page on the wiki.


  • Wiki page study guide covering the first half of chapter 3. Make sure to include your names on the page.