CNT Lab Assistant Log

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This page contains a log of work completed by the CNT Lab Assistant in reverse chronological order. For an example entry please see the example section at the bottom of this page. Headings are by year, month and day. Entries should be updated throughout the day as tasks are accomplished and should be signed and dated using the "--BenFranske 17:58, 31 August 2010 (UTC)" notation.


September 2010

Projects (9/22):

  • Cleaning B120, rebuilding machines into a correct, working order and checking for replacement and extra parts for all machines
  • Getting videos set up on the monitor in the Business Building hallway
  • Cleaning up B110 desk and getting rid of old hard drives
  • Purchasing RAM for HP servers in B120
  • Setting up the CCDC topology from last competition
  • Getting updated pictures and information of CNT instructors

September 21, 2010

  • Samsung Printer is currently being worked on, was called to double check the problem
  • Had a meeting with Lenovo to figure out a fix for imagining their laptops and desktops
  • Reimaged 10 silver laptops for SSD tomorrow
  • Added second stick of 2GB RAM to computers in B144 (B114 was being used). None found that required any extra RAM in other classrooms
  • Put up open lab schedules in all CNT classrooms, in the hall, and on the office door

September 15, 2010

  • Pushed out the hotfix for Windows Networking Operators group in Windows 7, so CNT Students and Instructors can edit network settings on machines (requires authentication first)
  • Installed the Administrative Tools on all the CNT Instructor stations and placed the Active Directory link on the desktop for all users (only instructors can use it)
  • Sent an email to Kelly at NowMicro asking if we can get the RAM ordered exchanged for correct RAM
  • Have slip from Samsung to get the printer shipped back and repaired (need to check if campus can ship it back)
  • Finished the VMWare XP image (need to fix that the image is not coming out of sysprep correctly)
  • Nearly finished VirtualBox XP image (machine failed to correctly sysprep before leaving)

The use of the Open Lab is split fairly evenly between CCNA students and Windows 7 students. Usually about 5+ students in the room at a given time, although there are some dead times during actual classes.

September 1, 2010

August 2010

August 31, 2010

Example Year: 1900

September 1900

September 4, 1900

  • Created the Windows XP and Windows 7 images for the Lenovo laptops. Deployed the Windows 7 images to all of the Lenovo laptops. --BenFranske 18:30, 4 September 1900 (UTC)
  • Installed Camtasia Studio on Ben and David's computers. --BenFranske 18:30, 4 September 1900 (UTC)
  • Setup the Eagle server topology in B109 for the CCNA 1 classes to use. --BenFranske 18:30, 4 September 1900 (UTC)

September 3, 1900

  • Deployed the ThinkCentre A53 image out to all A53 systems in the B143-B144 storage closet. --BenFranske 18:30, 3 September 1900 (UTC)
  • Installed Windows XP on one Lenovo laptop and Windows 7 Enterprise on another for imaging --BenFranske 18:30, 3 September 1900 (UTC)
  • Reassempled and tested all of the A+ lab systems in B120. Reimaged these systems with the standard Windows XP image --BenFranske 18:30, 3 September 1900 (UTC)

September 2, 1900

  • I have shipped the Samsung color laser printer back to Samsung. --BenFranske 18:30, 2 September 1900 (UTC)
    • Thanks! --Supervisor 20:12, 31 August 2010 (UTC)
  • I have started to organize the storage closet between B143-B144 by removing the table and re-packing the shelves on one side to free up some additional storage space. --BenFranske 18:30, 2 September 1900 (UTC)
  • I spent about an hour researching methods for deploying VirtualBox automatically. The best solution looks like it will be extracting the MSI installers from the executable package and deploying with SCCM. --BenFranske 18:30, 2 September 1900 (UTC)
  • Created an image of Windows XP on the IBM ThinkCentre A53 PCs. --BenFranske 18:30, 2 September 1900 (UTC)

September 1, 1900

  • Three students came in to work during open lab time today in B107. The students were working on CCNA 1 labs and required no assistance from me. --18:30, 1 September 1900 (UTC)
  • I have prepared requisitions for blank CDs and DVDs and delivered them to the administration office. --BenFranske 18:30, 1 September 1900 (UTC)
  • Finished filling out the inventory data about the IOS version, RAM and Flash memory in each of the routers and switches in B109. --BenFranske 18:30, 1 September 1900 (UTC)
  • I have called Samsung for an RMA on the broken color laser printer and packaged up the printer for shipment back to Samsung. They expect it will take about three weeks to get it fixed. --BenFranske 18:30, 31 August 2010 (UTC)
    • Please make sure to get this printer shipped out tomorrow! --Supervisor 20:12, 1 September 1900 (UTC)

August 1900

August 31, 1900

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ornare fermentum dolor, eu molestie quam ornare eu. Duis commodo purus quis mauris malesuada eu consequat nibh laoreet. Ut iaculis auctor elementum. Suspendisse nisi sapien, tempus ut volutpat eget, adipiscing eget odio. Curabitur volutpat dui eget tellus vestibulum interdum. Sed ornare nunc at turpis vulputate aliquam in eu felis. Curabitur augue odio, fermentum ut feugiat iaculis, commodo ut lectus. Integer gravida mollis eros ut fermentum. Fusce suscipit fermentum luctus. Donec odio ante, euismod at tristique nec, laoreet id dui. Aliquam et adipiscing est. Duis sodales, nisi id volutpat rhoncus, sapien sem molestie leo, vitae tempor lectus libero at arcu. Vivamus pharetra interdum vulputate. Maecenas a risus risus. Cras mauris velit, sagittis sit amet tincidunt aliquam, pulvinar sed leo. Pellentesque at hendrerit turpis. Pellentesque adipiscing, sem ut malesuada pretium, felis nunc tempor massa, in pellentesque est ligula ac neque. Quisque non tellus orci, nec sodales metus. --BenFranske 17:58, 31 August 2010 (UTC)

August 30, 1900

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque cursus vulputate nibh in faucibus. Mauris lobortis interdum enim non tincidunt. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Duis facilisis eros cursus augue tincidunt convallis eget in magna. Nulla hendrerit condimentum ante. Curabitur nec quam augue. Ut sollicitudin cursus mauris, quis congue elit adipiscing faucibus. Praesent non nunc non leo pretium elementum vel eget magna. Ut accumsan risus sed eros elementum volutpat vel et augue. Aliquam eget eleifend turpis. Sed sollicitudin vehicula aliquam. Quisque tincidunt convallis nisl et scelerisque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus laoreet iaculis leo quis hendrerit. --BenFranske 17:58, 31 August 2010 (UTC)

August 29, 1900

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam auctor molestie imperdiet. Donec ac ultrices lectus. Quisque non tempor ante. Proin odio nisl, suscipit nec sagittis sed, volutpat ac tellus. Curabitur risus urna, eleifend sed pulvinar ut, convallis in nisl. Vivamus scelerisque risus velit. Vivamus eleifend tincidunt neque, ut porttitor tortor tristique a. Sed convallis, lorem et ornare ullamcorper, diam urna suscipit enim, eu varius metus libero volutpat massa. Pellentesque sed auctor urna. Praesent sit amet urna in justo eleifend varius. Cras scelerisque placerat leo, vel faucibus sem tempor sed. Quisque bibendum lorem et lorem malesuada eu volutpat dolor malesuada. Donec consectetur accumsan leo ac dictum. --BenFranske 17:58, 31 August 2010 (UTC)

July 1900

July 30, 1900

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vitae metus diam, at elementum quam. Nam a arcu orci, vitae cursus nunc. Integer tincidunt luctus arcu, in cursus lectus luctus ac. Sed tempus lacus pretium erat volutpat pretium. Quisque bibendum justo nec est lobortis tempor. Aenean quis libero et tellus ultricies rutrum ut non lectus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam pretium sagittis felis a tristique. Aenean at fermentum sapien. Proin id lacus id nunc venenatis ultrices quis id mauris. Aliquam pretium vehicula urna sed egestas. Sed diam magna, luctus quis tristique et, sagittis molestie leo. Pellentesque augue nisi, elementum id dictum sagittis, porttitor ut ante. Curabitur sit amet augue orci. --BenFranske 17:58, 31 August 2010 (UTC)

July 29, 1900

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam sed nulla est, eu vestibulum enim. Aliquam in nibh erat, eu consequat orci. Cras in sodales nulla. Maecenas feugiat faucibus facilisis. Nullam erat enim, euismod vel rhoncus nec, euismod vitae nunc. Vestibulum laoreet dignissim ultrices. Nunc et dolor arcu. Praesent tempus, dui id scelerisque euismod, leo tortor varius neque, sed facilisis sem magna non nulla. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam erat volutpat. Mauris nec congue purus. --BenFranske 17:58, 31 August 2010 (UTC)

July 28, 1900

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque condimentum sodales velit, sed vulputate turpis dictum ac. Morbi consectetur eros augue, vel posuere enim. Donec sed nulla quam, eget faucibus eros. Mauris sollicitudin pretium tortor, venenatis convallis sem pulvinar at. Praesent feugiat dictum leo in iaculis. Nullam non rhoncus leo. Pellentesque luctus auctor faucibus. Nulla pulvinar libero vel eros facilisis mollis. Cras gravida purus in enim suscipit consectetur. Nam metus lorem, tristique nec cursus vel, pretium tempus erat. Nunc eu leo lectus, nec tempus sem. Nulla et quam vel sapien pharetra pulvinar eu id diam. Nunc tellus odio, aliquam sed cursus scelerisque, scelerisque vel ipsum. Duis adipiscing commodo tellus vestibulum ullamcorper. Sed sodales purus vitae lorem scelerisque suscipit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras posuere, dolor a venenatis porttitor, tellus mauris pellentesque velit, at elementum quam ligula eu dui. Sed porta gravida diam et molestie. --BenFranske 17:58, 31 August 2010 (UTC)