Franske ITC-2480 Lab 3

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In this lab you will install the "sudo" administration package, create a new user account, change the ownership and permissions on files and directories, and install the Webmin package.

These same instructions apply if you are completing this lab using the VirtualBox virtual machine software or if you are connected to a machine running remotely on the VMware platform. If you are completing this on campus remember to switch your network connection to the SafeConnect-free ITCnet.

Lab Procedure


  1. Open an SSH console to your Linux system using the PuTTY software, login with your standard user account

Practice using sudo

  1. Install the sudo package
  2. Add your user account to the sudo group using the "adduser ben sudo" command where ben is your username
  3. In order for your user account to receive their new group permissions it needs to be logged back in so close your SSH session and open a new SSH session logging back in as your regular user
  4. Try running the ifconfig command as your regular user with the "sudo ifconfig" command
    • Note: From now on you should simply put sudo in front of any commands that need to be run as root instead of logging on to the root account or switching to the root account with su

Create Linux users and groups

  1. Create a new user account "jsmith" using the adduser program
  2. Create a new group "redteam" using the addgroup program
  3. Add the jsmith account as well as your own user account to the redteam group
  4. In order for your user accounts to receive their new group permissions they need to be logged back in so close your SSH session and open two new SSH sessions, login as your regular user on one and jsmith on the other
  5. View a list of all the user accounts on your system by looking at the /etc/passwd file which is a plain text file on your system.
    1. To output the contents of the /etc/passwd file you can use the "cat /etc/passwd" command
    2. To output the contents of the file while pausing after each page of output use the "more /etc/passwd" command
    3. To output the contents of the file while pausing after each page of output and being able to scroll up and down through the output use the "less /etc/passwd" command and press q to return to the command line

Practice Linux filesystem permissions and ownership

  • NOTE: Working with file and directory ownership and permissions is tricky and there are many, many possible combinations of users, groups, and permissions which can be assigned to both files and folders. The goal of this section of the lab is to familiarize you with how to use the commands for changing ownership and permissions. Once you understand how to use the commands you should experiment with setting different owners and permissions on a several different files and folders and subfolders until you have a good understanding of how permissions work. The only way to understand these relationships well is to try it out. You should be able to set all of these permissions just as regular users (assuming you have access to both of the user accounts) you should not need sudo access because one of the the two users owns all the files and directories we're working in.
  1. Change to the /home directory and check the ownership and permissions on the subdirectories inside of /home
  2. Try to create new files using the touch command called foo and foo2 in the /home/jsmith directory as both your regular user and as jsmith respectively
  3. Try removing the foo and/or foo2 files using both your regular user account and jsmith
  4. Use the jsmith user to create a new directory /home/jsmith/redteam/
  5. Use the jsmith user to create some files: /home/jsmith/redteam/theplan and /home/jsmith/redteam/yours /home/jsmith/redteam/mine and /home/jsmith/ours
  6. In order to find out more about the chown and chgrp programs which you'll use to change the owners and groups for files and directories use the "man chown" and "man chgrp" commands to view the built in manual pages. You can scroll through the manual pages using the arrow keys and page up/down. To return to the command line press the q key.
  7. Change the permissions on the /home/jsmith/redteam/ directory so that the group "redteam" is the group owner of the directory
  8. Add write permission for the group to the /home/jsmith/redteam/ directory
  9. Change the ownership of the yours file so that it is owned by your regular user account instead of jsmith
  10. Change the group owner of the ours file so that it is controlled by the redteam group
  11. Experiment with creating and removing files and subdirectories inside of the /home/jsmith/redteam/ directory as well as listing the contents of directories with various permissions applied to them until you have a good understanding of how permissions work.

Install the Webmin control panel

  1. Use the links browser to download the DEB package file from
  2. Use dpkg -i to install the webmin DEB package
  3. Make a note of the unmet dependencies for the webmin package
  4. Use aptitude to install the dependencies for webmin
  5. Open a web browser on your host system and visit where your IP replaces
  6. Explore the webmin interface

New Commands

  • sudo
  • adduser
  • dpkg
  • man
  • touch
  • cat
  • more
  • less
  • addgroup


  • sudo
  • Displaying text files
  • Creating users and groups
  • Setting ownership and permissions
  • Viewing man pages
  • Creating empty files