Franske ITC-2480 Lab 10

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Lab Procedure


  1. Open an SSH console to your Linux system using the PuTTY software, login with your standard user account
  2. Have a browser window set to the webmin interface for your linux VM.

Setup a 2nd NIC Interface

  1. To start this lab we will need to create a second network interface called eth1. We will use eth1 as our LAN interface that will allow other computers to connect to the internet.
  2. In putty, open up /etc/network/interfaces with your favorite text editor, then go to the bottom of the file and add the following:
auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static
  • As this is a LAN only interface, we do not need to define a gateway for the VM, as the VM is the gateway for this network.
  1. Once this is done, save the file and then run "ifup eth1". This should bring up the new interface. You can check to see if its enabled by using ifconfig.

Enable NAT

  1. Now we will need to enable NAT so we can forward traffic to our LAN interface.
  2. In your console, you will need to open up /etc/sysctl.conf with a text editor. This file is used to change and tweak multiple system variables. Scroll down until you find the following:
# Uncomment the next line to enable packet forwarding for IPv4
  1. Uncomment the net.ipv4.ip_forward line. This will enable packet forwarding in the kernel. When you are done, save the file.
  2. Changes to the sysctl.conf file require a reboot, but most can be set without a reboot by echoing response codes to files in /proc. We will get into that more in a later chapter, but for now run the following command to enable ip_forwarding without rebooting the machine. echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
  3. Now we will need to use webmin to setup iptables to allow for NAT. In webmin, Go to Networking, then Linux Firewall. You will be taken to a page that will ask you to setup iptables for the first time. To start, select the option "Block all except SSH, IDENT, ping and high ports on interface eth0." Also select the Enable firewall at boot time option, then press Setup Firewall.
  4. You will now be shown the firewall setup page. notice how webmin was nice enough to create a handful of default rules for you. We will get into creating custom rules later in this lab, but for now we need to enable NAT in iptables.
  5. On the top of the page where it says Showing IPtable:, change the dropdown option to Network address translation (nat).
  6. On this page, under the POSTROUTING category, press the Add Rule button. Use the following configuration to enable NAT:
Rule comment: Enable NAT for eth1
Action to take: Masquerade
Source ports for masquerading: any
IPs and ports to SNAT: Default
Source address or network: Equals:
Outgoing Interfce: Equals: eth0
  1. When you are done, press Save at the bottom, and then on the firewall page press Apply Configuration. At this point you can use your linux VM as a router, but only with static IP addresses set on clients. So, next we will setup a DHCP server.

Setup a DHCP Server

  1. To setup a DHCP server, we will first need to install the required software. In your SSH console use your favorite package manager to install isc-dhcp-server.
  2. After you install the package you may get a warning about isc-dhcp-server being unable to start. This is normal as we have yet to define the interface and settings we want used.
  3. Now back in Webmin, select the Refresh Modules option. After it is done, go to Servers, then DHCP Server.
  4. Before we define our DHCP range, we need to set our listening interface. Click on the Edit Network Interface option, and select eth1 and press save.
  5. Now under Subnets and Shared Networks, select Add a new subnet. Use the following settings:
Subnet description: LAN DHCP Range
Network Address:
Address Ranges:
  1. When you are done, press Save. Now, click on the network you just created to review the settings, then press Edit Client Options at the bottom.
  2. From here we will setup the default gateway and DNS servers for the clients to use. Under Default Routers, set the option to and under DNS servers, set it to as well. Notice how we are setting these options to the IP of eth1 that we setup. This is because our linux VM will act as the router and DNS for our clients as well.
  3. When you are done, press save, and then on the Edit Subnet page, press save again.
  4. Now that you are back on the DHCP server page, press the Start Server button. If all goes good, the button should change to "Stop Server". If this does not happen, then the server was unable start. If that happens, re-check your DHCP server configurations to make sure everything is correct.

Setup a 2nd VM

  1. Now we are going to setup a 2nd VM on the VMWare server so we can have a client to connect to our network we just created. For this though, we will be using Ubuntu Desktop instead of Debian so we have a user interface to help us with testing.
  2. Once you have Ubuntu installed, reboot the machine and login. Notice how the machine is able to connect to the network. Now, press the Unity Icon in the top left corner, and enter "Terminal". Then, open the terminal application.
  3. You now have a shell on the system. From here, use sudo ifconfig to check your network settings. Notice how you have a IP from the DHCP pool we created earlier. Now try pinging Are you able to ping? If so, NAT is working properly on your network.
  4. Now run ping If you are able to ping, this shows that not only is NAT working, but DNS resolving as well.
  5. At this point we have a fully functional LAN environment.

Port Forwarding and Firewalling