Control Web Access With Squid

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We are going to learn how to install and configure Squid on Ubuntu to restrict or allow web access on a network.

I. What is Squid?

Squid is a software that was developed by Duane Wessels as the Harvest object cache, part of the Harvest project at the University of Colorado at Boulder. The software was designed to run on Unix-like system, but it can also run on Windows-based system.

	Squid is a proxy server and web cache daemon. It can be used to speed up a web server by caching repeated requests and aiding security by filtering traffic (Control when and which IP adresses can access the web). It is primarily used for HTTP and FTP but has limited support for TLS, SSL, Internet Gopher and HTTPS. 

II. Install Squid on Ubuntu.

What can be done before installing Squid is to search for the software on your machine. To do so, log in as root, and enter the following commands:

root@ubuntu:~# aptitude search squid