CNT-2311-Chapter 2 Notes

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This is where we actually do an overview

Package Concepts

Packages - A package consists of usually many files, with information about the file, including information that aids in the package management system.

Installed file database - A database of the installed files. All installed files should appear here.

Dependencies - Dependency information is the requirements of packages for one another. Ala, one package needs the other to work, and vice versa.

Checksums - checksums are information about files. they can be used to tell the validity of software, disk errors, accidental overwriting of and non-sinister files. It's not a subtle in detecting intrusions.

Binary Package Creation - RPM and Debian packages systems provide tools to create binary packages.

RPM Packaging

Redhat developed RPM for it's own personal distribution, but released freely thereafter. It soon became widely used as a cross platform tool. RPM packages look like the following example.


So that would be


For some examples of RPM commands, check the list below.

RPM Commands

Compatibility issues with RPM and other Distributions

1. Distributions may use different versions of the RPM utilities.

2. An RPM package designed for one distribution may have dependencies not met by the current distribution.

3. The RPM package may be built around a certain name or name arrangement, and if they don't match it might not work.

4. Even if every dependency is met, some files may still be slightly different, which may cause problems.

5. Some programs run distributions specific scripts

With that said, it's best to use RPM's designed for your particular distribution. You can also use tools such as YUM to help with going cross distributions.

YUM and Meta-Packagers

Meta Packagers such as YUM, enable you to install a package and all it's dependencies using a single command line. Yum and tools like it search internet repositories, and automatically download and install programs for you. For a list of YUM commands, check the list below.

YUM Commands

Debian Packaging

Debian Notes


Converting Packages

Overview of Converting


Alien Overview

Conmpatibilty Issues