Cisco Configuration Professional

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Before You Begin

The network must be configured and connected before trying to use CCP.

With that being said you can have the most basic of configurations on the router.

Essentially all you have to do is assign ip addresses to the connecting Fast Ethernet devices.

Each router must have level 15 privilege set to use CCP properly.

Configuring a Cisco Router for CCP

Step 1.

Connect to your router using Telnet, SSH, or through the console.

Enter global configuration mode using this command:



Step 2.

If HTTP and HTTPS are enabled and configured to use nonstandard port numbers, you can skip this step and use the already configured port number.

Router(config)# ip http server

Router(config)# ip http secure-server

Router(config)# ip http authentication local

Step 3.

Create User with Privilege level 15

Router(config)# username <username> privilege 15 password 0 <password>

Step 4.

Configure SSH and Telnet for local login and privilege level 15

Router(config)# line vty 0 4

Router(config-line)# privilege level 15

Router(config-line)# login local

Router(config-line)# transport input telnet

Router(config-line)# transport input telnet ssh

Router(config-line)# exit

Step 5.

Enable local logging for log monitoring function

Router(config)# logging buffered 51200 warning

Installing CCP

Cisco Configuration Professional is installed directly on to a host machine that will be configuring the network. If you want to install software on the router that is similar but not as in depth, there is also Cisco Configuration Express which is installed on the memory of the router.

Step 1.

Configuring NAT with Cisco Configuration Protocol

1. Follow the following steps to configure dynamic NAT on a router.

a. Navigate to Configure> Router> NAT > Basic NAT and launch the selected task by clicking

on the button on the bottom right corner of the screen. This starts the configuration of basic NAT.

2. Enter Next on the Welcome to the Basic NAT Wizard page.

3. Configure the interface that connects to the provided ISP and set the IP address range that needs to access the internet. Once completing this hit Next.

4. On the Summary of the Configuration page click Finish to complete the review.

5. Next navigate to the Edit NAT Configuration tab to review the configured dynamic NAT configurations and the translated IP addresses using PATing. In order to configure dynamic NATing with an address pool, click the Address Pool button.

a. In the Address Pools window click Add.
b. This is where you view information like the pool name and IP range with natmasks. Also

in order to configure PATing over NAT click the Port Address Translation checkbox and then click Ok.

c. Click Add to add the address pool into the configuration.

6. Once you finish adding the pool edit the pool you just configured.

a. In the Edit Address Translation Rule window configure the Translate to interface to

address pool under type and name the address pool under that and enter Ok.

7. You are then brought back to the Edit NAT Configuration tab to designate the interfaces. Click Designate NAT Interfaces button to set the NAT interface settings.

a. Here you can assign the interfaces to be inside (trusted) or outside (untrusted). Once

they are assigned the interfaces will be used in all NAT translation rules.1. Follow the following steps to configure dynamic NAT on a router.

a. Navigate to Configure> Router> NAT > Basic NAT and launch the selected task by clicking

on the button on the bottom right corner of the screen. This starts the configuration of basic NAT.

2. Enter Next on the Welcome to the Basic NAT Wizard page.

3. Configure the interface that connects to the provided ISP and set the IP address range that needs to access the internet. Once completing this hit Next.

4. On the Summary of the Configuration page click Finish to complete the review.

5. Next navigate to the Edit NAT Configuration tab to review the configured dynamic NAT configurations and the translated IP addresses using PATing. In order to configure dynamic NATing with an address pool, click the Address Pool button.

a. In the Address Pools window click Add.
b. This is where you view information like the pool name and IP range with natmasks. Also

in order to configure PATing over NAT click the Port Address Translation checkbox and then click Ok.

c. Click Add to add the address pool into the configuration.

6. Once you finish adding the pool edit the pool you just configured.

a. In the Edit Address Translation Rule window configure the Translate to interface to

address pool under type and name the address pool under that and enter Ok.

7. You are then brought back to the Edit NAT Configuration tab to designate the interfaces. Click Designate NAT Interfaces button to set the NAT interface settings.

a. Here you can assign the interfaces to be inside (trusted) or outside (untrusted). Once

they are assigned the interfaces will be used in all NAT translation rules.

Static NAT Configuration

1. Follow the following steps to configure static NAT on a router.

a. In CCP navigate to Configure > Router > NAT > Edit NAT Configuration and add a rule.

2. In the Add Address Translation Rule window you configure the direction from inside to outside or from outside to inside along with specifying the inside IP address that will be translated.

a. If you choose IP Address you will want the Translate from Address to translate to a IP

address that is configured in the IP Address field.

b. You want to select interface if you are trying to translate from the address to use the

address assign to an interface on the router.

c. Check Redirect Port if you want to send information for the inside devices in translation

also allowing you to use the same public IP address for many devices.

3. Once you finish configuring the translation rule the Edit NAT Configuration tab allows you to see the static NATing configuration.