CNT-2311-Chapter 2 Notes
This is where we actually do an overview
Package Concepts
Packages - A package consists of usually many files, with information about the file, including information that aids in the package management system.
Installed file database - A database of the installed files. All installed files should appear here.
Dependencies - Dependency information is the requirements of packages for one another. Ala, one package needs the other to work, and vice versa.
Checksums - checksums are information about files. they can be used to tell the validity of software, disk errors, accidental overwriting of and non-sinister files. It's not a subtle in detecting intrusions.
Binary Package Creation - RPM and Debian packages systems provide tools to create binary packages.
RPM Packaging
RPM Notes
Debian Packaging
Debian Notes
Converting Packages
Overview of Converting
Alien Overview