Cisco Configuration Professional
Configuring a Cisco Router for CCP
Step 1.
Connect to your router using Telnet, SSH, or through the console.
Enter global configuration mode using this command:
Step 2.
If HTTP and HTTPS are enabled and configured to use nonstandard port numbers, you can skip this step and use the already configured port number.
Router(config)# ip http server Router(config)# ip http secure-server Router(config)# ip http authentication local
Step 3.
Create User with Privilege level 15
Router(config)# username <username> privilege 15 password 0 <password>
Step 4.
Configure SSH and Telnet for local login and privilege level 15
Router(config)# line vty 0 4 Router(config-line)# privilege level 15 Router(config-line)# login local Router(config-line)# transport input telnet Router(config-line)# transport input telnet ssh Router(config-line)# exit
Step 5.
Enable local logging for log monitoring function
Router(config)# logging buffered 51200 warning