Recover Cisco Catalyst 2960 Switch Password
Revision as of 15:23, 9 December 2010 by Jasonredlin (talk | contribs)
Recover Cisco Catalyst 2960 Switch Password
1. Connect to the console port of the switch a PC with terminal emulating software like Hyperterminal or TeraTerm. The terminal settings are as follows:
◦Bits per second (baud): 9600 ◦Data bits: 8 ◦Parity: None ◦Stop bits: 1 ◦Flow Control: Xon/Xoff
2. Power down the switch by unplugging the power cord.
3. Hold down the mode button on the front left side of the switch and plug in the power cord. Do not release the mode button until you see the SYST LED blink amber and then turn solid green. When you release the mode button the SYST LED should blink green. The switch should now be in switch: mode.
4. Enter the flash_init command at the switch: prompt.