Franske CNT-2311 SP12 Labs
Below is information about the labs you must complete in this class.
Chapter 2
- Complete "Project 2-2" Installing Fedora Core 13 from the book EXCEPT:
- Install to a new VirtualBox VM instead of directly onto the computer, set up the VM to use bridged networking
- Make the root partition 7GB and the swap partition 1GB
- Complete "Project 2-3" from the book
- Complete "Project 2-4" from the book
- Complete "Project 2-5" from the book
- Complete "Project 2-6" from the book
- Complete "Project 2-7" from the book
Chapter 3
- Complete "Project 3-1" from the book
- Complete "Project 3-2" from the book
- Complete "Project 3-3" from the book
- Complete "Project 3-4" from the book
- Complete "Project 3-5" from the book
- Complete "Project 3-6" from the book
- Complete "Project 3-7" from the book